Unwanted Line Breaks generated when using Beaver Builder and Themer.

The issue occurs when using shortcodes to insert content and plugins within the back end Post content editor (incl. with the use of Beaver Themer). It also occurs when coding with the Beaver Builder insert Text or insert Tabs modules in the BB front end page builder.

ACF_Wys1: no class, style=”float: left; …

There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float.

ACF_Wys3: no class, just no space or CR

There is some extra text right after the images. There is some extra text right after the images. There is some extra text right after the images. There is some text right after the images. There is some extra text right after the images.

Direct Post Content: EXAMPLE 1:
1a/ – – I inserted the below code in the Post Content Text editor – – – -/
‹div style="margin: 0px; background-color: rgba(251, 252, 254, 1); border: 1px solid rgba(145, 155, 185, 0.3); padding: 8px;"›

‹img src="/wp-content/uploads/PDF.png" alt="" style="float:left; width:60px;margin-right:6px;"›

‹img src="/wp-content/uploads/PDF.png" alt="" style="float:left; width:60px;margin-right:6px;"›

‹img src="/wp-content/uploads/PDF.png" alt="" style="float:left; width:60px;margin-right:6px;"›

‹img src="/wp-content/uploads/PDF.png" alt="" style="float:left; width:60px;margin-right:6px;"›


The result is as expected: 4 PDF.png’s aligned in the same row

1b/- – I inserted the exact same code in an Advanced Custom Field “wysiwig” Field via the wpbb shortcode and inserted the shortcode, also in the Post Content Text editor that generates this page/post – – /:
wpbb post:acf type='wysiwyg' name='acf_wys1' in brackets.
The result is defect due to line breaks added by the Beaver Builder wpbb post:acf shortcode call.
ACF_Wys1: no class, style=”float: left; …

There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float. There is some text right after the images that float.

Resulting code in the source file: a ‹br/› added at then end of each line and a ‹p› on the last one. These ‹br/› and ‹p› issues affect multiple areas of Beaver Builder and Themer and I have been struggling with them for months using site wide custom css. Here I find no way to remove the unwanted breaks.


2a/ – – I inserted two “LGC Light Grid Columns” into the Post Editor (lgc_column grid=”50″ etc…) / USING THE DIRECT INSERT => Columns Top Aligned OK/

2b/ – – NOT TOP ALIGNED using the exact same code inside an Advanced Custom Field via Beaver Builder Shortcode – – /

wpbb post:acf type='wysiwyg' name='acf_wys2' (in brackets)


ACF_Wys0 Content

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